Business idea
Any business venture involves various stages to be crossed before one can start seeing an income. SFI business is no exception. But the problem is how many affiliates look at this as a serious business. Most of the new sign-ups expect great results overnight. If you sow a seed you have to wait for certain period of time before you reap the benefits. Same way, one has to be patient and persevere without giving up half way. Staying is one thing. But, merely staying without doing anything and looking for easy opportunities will not work. One has to work every day. One has to get into action mode to: 1. Do the Daily activities; 2. Keep promoting the business through various Marketing Methods provided by SFI; 3. Look for dialogs with people for fresh sign-ups & build the Team; 4. Explore opportunities to create ECAs & PRMs; 5. Try to sell TripleClicks products regularly; 6. Take care of the Team & help the members to progress slowly but steadily; 7. Lead by his own ...