Tripleclicks auctions

What Is Pricebenders?
PRICEBENDERS™ Penny Auctions (a division of TripleClicks) allow you to bid on and win hot, name brand products for a fraction of the retail price--typically more than 90% off--with a MINIMUM savings of 77% off (excluding cost of bids, if any) and FREE SHIPPING to US/Canada! Auctions are ongoing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and each one starts at just one cent, with the price going up by just one cent more for each bid placed. The final bidder may then buy the item for the ending price...OR...Opt for a TC gift certificate or a quantity of TCredits...OR...FLIP the item you've won for CASH! Join the fun today!

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How Do Pricebenders Auctions Work?
First (if you're not a member already), you'll need to sign up as a TripleClicks member HERE. Next, you need some TripleClicks "TCredits" to bid with. TCredits are available in packs of 1, 10, 20, 50, and 200...and for as little as $.29 apiece.

Once you've got your TCredits, you're ready to start bidding. Just click the red "Bid Now!" button on the product details page of your chosen auction item. PLUS, with every bid, you automatically earn 10 Rewardicals! You can place bids for as many live auctions as you wish. Be the final bidder and you win the item(s). It's that simple! Check out our latest winners and the incredible deals being won HERE.

IMPORTANT: It's vital that you read all of our FAQs before you join any Pricebenders™ auctions. Make sure you understand how bidding works, as well as all restrictions, deadlines, etc., and Pricebenders Rules & Policies before jumping in.

Earn Rewardicals with each bid!
With Pricebenders, even when you don't win the auction, you still win! That's because for every bid, you earn 10 Rewardicals, redeemable for unlimited TCredits, Bitcoin, silver bullion, and more at!

Predict the final auction TCredits!
Each Pricebenders™ Auction also includes a "Pick The Price" (PTP) contest. Just correctly predict the final price of an auction--or be the closest if no exact picks--and you could win a share of our weekly PTP Zackpot and a nifty badge for your TripleClicks Homepage! Play for just one TCredit per entry/auction. No purchase necessary to win. Plus, each entry earns you 10 Rewardicals! Hundreds of chances to win weekly and there are no win limits. Click here to learn more and/or enter.

PLUS...with each PTP entry, you can use pre-bidding to set up bids to be placed on your behalf when the upcoming auction begins and the price hits the amount you designate.

Bid and win TCredits in special flash drawings and lock in 77% off MSRP!
Within most auction detail pages, you'll see a Pricebenders Bonus Bar, a realtime auction progress bar. As bidding continues, the progress bar fills up and hits one or more of 6 possible flash drawings--indicated by the stars on the bonus bar--along the way. Just bid at least once in the 5 minutes prior to the drawing to be eligible to win FREE TCredits.

If the Bonus Bar reaches its end before the end of the auction, we LOCK IN the price you'll pay if you win. No matter how much higher bidding goes, your purchase price will always be AT LEAST 77% off the MSRP! Learn more HERE.

Need TCredits?
In addition to winning TCredits in the PTP contest or Bonus Bar flash drawings discussed above, you can enter our T-TIME Drawing, where we give away 60 FREE TCredits each hour to 30 lucky winners--720 winners each day! You can also win TCredits through the Daily Crown drawing or by winning an Eager Zebra Game Zackpot. Additionally, you can purchase TCredits for as little as $.29 each HERE. Finally, you can have one FREE TCredit instantly added to your account by sending a postcard or letter to our offices. IMPORTANT! Limit one TCredit from postcard credited per customer per day. Please include your name and TripleClicks Member ID number or e-mail address.

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Note that TCredits can also be used for participating in Eager Zebra games, purchasing products, participating in contests, and more. Learn more about TCredits HERE.

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Getting Started
Once you've got your TCredits, head over of the main LIVE AUCTIONS PAGE HERE. You'll notice that each live auction item listed on this page is displayed within its own panel, along with the current high bid, time left, type(s) of auction, and other specific information:

To place a bid, click the Go To Auction button to bring up the item's details page containing the full product description, retail price, Bid Log, Bid & Build, and more
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